Category Archives: Politics & Ideologies

The Cost of Independence & the Evil of Surrender

The most costly enterprise Freedom or independence has never been attained free of cost. It is indeed the most costly entitlement in human life. It needs sacrifice of money, life and all forms of physical and intellectual abilities. One and half million Algerians needed to sacrifice their lives to attain independence from the French colonial […]

The Clash of Islamists and the Imperialists

The clash and the ideological basis  Secularism is an ideology that has its own conceptual paradigm. Secularism can’t survive in a milieu where Islam dominates with it full ideological, cultural and civilisational aims. Hence the clash of Islamists and the imperialists is not a subject of the past, rather an all-time reality –especially in the […]

Civilizational War of the West

The West’s war The British occupation of Iraq and Palestine in 1917, the French occupation of Syria in the same year of 1917, the US occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, the US-lead joint occupation of Iraq in 2003 and the current bombing in Syria. Libya, Yemen and Somalia are indeed the parts of the same […]

Conceptual Crisis of the Muslims

The crucial question Every Muslim must reflect on a serious and crucial question. If the last prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) would have returned back to the Muslim World and started his jihad for reviving sharia, hudud, khilafa and unity what would have been their own role? Do they possess the moral competence […]

Betrayal of Islam & the Infrastructure of Failure

The betrayal Islam has its own mission, vision and objectives; there is no obscurity or ambiguity on these basics. To be a true Muslim, one needs to be strictly life-long adherent to those Islamic mission, vision and objectives. Otherwise, he or she becomes a kafir (disbeliever) or a munaifiq (hypocrite). According to Islam, the worst […]

The Ideological Meltdown of Pakistan

The betrayal After the conquest of Delhi in late 12th century by Muhammad Ghouri, the creation of Pakistan is the most important event in the Muslim history of South Asia. The inspiration for such a great achievement came from no other source or individual but from the holy Qur’an –the fundamental source of all inspirations […]

Consequence of Losing an Ideological War: The Case of Pakistan

 Construction and de-construction of the ideology of Pakistan During the final days of the British colonial rule, the Muslims of South Asia –the largest Muslim population in the world, became imbued with a great dream to build an Islamic state. Dismantling of Osmania Khilafa both by the British imperialists and the Turkish secularists intensified such […]

The War of Ideas

Violence against ideas The US President Barak Obama had his recent European tour. In Brussels, he delivered a lecture in Palais Des Beaux-Arts.  He told his elitist audience, “We must meet the challenges to our ideas and our international order with strength and conviction.”–(The Guardian, 31.03.14). In the context of recent exacerbation of cold-war polarisation, […]