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Full Freedom for the Israeli War Criminals and Hostage Status for the Palestinians

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal No red line for the Israelis The awful helplessness of the people of Gaza now needs little description. They are the perfect lame ducks at the mercy of the Israeli war criminals. None of the world powers is coming to their help. More than thirty six thousand Palestinians are killed and […]

Gaza: A Showcase of West-led War Crimes and the Ethnic Cleansing

Firoz Mahboob Kamal A showcase of pure evil Gaza now stands as the glaring showcase of the US-led western barbarism, occupation and genocidal war crimes. It is a showcase of pure colonial evil. It is indeed the only existing replica of colonialism that fights to have its last breaths in a civilised world. Like any […]

Does Israel Have the Right to Exist?

Firoz Mahboob Kamal Who should go: Israel or Hamas? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that Israel is fighting to destroy Hamas. The US Secretary of State Mr. Antony Blinken, France President Emanuel Macron and many other western leaders argue that Hamas must go. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says that we are fighting human animals […]

The US Licence for War Crimes and the State of Paralysis of the Muslim Ummah

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The license for war crimes and a great threat for the humanity There is no doubt that what Israel is committing in Gaza is the textbook case of war crimes. The US-led western countries have given Israel not only the right of self defence but also a full licence for a […]

The Axis of Evils and the Destruction of Gaza

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  The recent peak in war crimes Yesterday on 17 October, Israeli Defence Force (IDF) hombed Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza and killed more than 500 people instantly. Most of the deaths are children and women. Israel is relentlessly bombing the people of Gaza for the last 11 days; the destruction of […]

Coalition of War Criminals, Relentless War Crimes in Gaza and Changing Geopolitics in the Middle East

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The green signal to Israel The Gaza Strip now stands as a showcase of the Israeli war crimes. People can see that on the TV screen. Anybody with an iota of morality and humanity will condemn such barbaric acts of brutality. But the US leaders failed to do so. President Joe […]

The Israeli occupation cum ethnic cleansing in Palestine and the way-out

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  The unending war Those who want to occupy a land and want to cleanse its people, their war doesn’t end. They only take pauses for making a bigger battle for full occupation and full cleansing. The Israeli occupation of Palestine is the perfect example of that. The imperialists’ war started against […]