The Indian Election: The Hindu Supremacists Got the Mandate
- Posted by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
- Posted on May 26, 2019
- English, International Affairs
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Moral darkness exposed
The real mind of the people speaks loudly in the general election of a country. So, the recent election in India gives an explicit expression of the Hindu supremacist agenda of its people. It has indeed nakedly exposed the moral darkness and the hateful sick minds of the Indian voters. The voters have given the ongoing persecution of the minorities in India –especially the Muslims, a massive approval. The secular parties like Indian National Congress, Samajwadi Party (SP) and Vahujan Samaj Party (VSP) of Uttar Pradesh and Trinumal Congress of West Bengal that plead for peaceful co-existence of all religious communities got badly decimated. Through ballots, the Hindu majority shows their utter intention to bulldoze the right of the minorities.
The Indian Muslims have been labelled as termites by the BJP President Mr Amit Shah – Modi’s right hand man. Such a narrative tells a lot about the political objectives of the party. How such people in BJP’s top position with so intense anti-Muslim hatred can allow the Muslims to get fair access to the Indian parliament? They can only think of quick extinction of them. Such a mind-set cause ethnic cleansing in many parts of the world in the past. India has 195 million Muslims -about 16% of the Indian population. In the last parliament, the Muslims had only 24 seats -only 4% of total 543 seats. About 48 million Muslims of Uttar Pradesh didn’t have a single MP in the previous parliament. This time the total number of the Muslim MPs will be fewer. Therefore, what could be the worst travesty of democracy? Democracy must not work a tool of exclusion of any section of the citizens; rather ensure the proper representation of citizens of different race, religion and geographical identities. Otherwise, democracy fails.
Turning to be an apartheid state
BJP President Mr Amit Shah and his party comrades in BJP and RSS never hide their Hindu supremacist agenda. They show worst displeasure to see 195 million Muslims –labelled as termites, in their midst. So, they are in desperate mood to find ways to exterminate them. Amidst such a toxic milieu, morality, humanity, equal opportunity and other higher values stand irrelevant. Hence, the Indian Muslims can’t think of even their safe survival, let alone enjoying the civil rights. The apartheid state of South Africa has ceased to exist. Now, India is quickly taking its place; but with a difference. In apartheid state of South Africa, the black people were never classified as termite. Nor they were inflicted with the organised killing episodes –as happened to the Muslims. Moreover, in apartheid South Africa, a cow never received more security and respect than a human. But in India, it is otherwise. Muslims get lynched in public; but thousands of vigilantes are deployed to ensure security to cows.
India hardly looks a civilised state. Giving equal rights to all of its citizens –irrespective of creed, cast and religion, is not the norm. The Hindu supremacists reiterated that implementing the absolute Hindu agenda is their core objective. The key agenda of Bharatia Janata Party (BJP) and its parent organisation Rashtria Shevak Sangha (RSS) is to make India a Hindu state –where the Hindu majority will have its brute and exclusive supremacy. They also coined a new definition of a Hindu. Hinduism is given a narrative as a way of life for all those who live in India. Hence implied that whoever lives in India must call himself or herself a Hindu. So, they demand that a Muslim too, should take the Hindu identity. They call it “ghar wapsy”-meaning returning back of a Muslim to his or her own home. And the home is none but the Hindu world view; and worshiping cows is its indispensable part.
Such a Hindu supremacist agenda has its worst political, ideological, cultural and social ramifications. Because of the communal agenda, the Muslims’ survival needs along with their educational, religious, cultural, economic and political needs are not compatible to Hindu agenda; hence never to be addressed by the ruling clique. Rather, it will do exactly the opposite –as it is evidenced by the Indian government’s plan for evicting 4 million residents from Assam on alleged allegation that they are infiltrators from Bangladesh. Such a plan has been hatched only to pursue an extremist Hindu agenda. Bangladesh came into being in 1971; but these ethnic Bengalis were living there since the British era. In those days, migration was a part of human life all over India; there was no political border to hinder it. Moreover, Assam was the part of the Bengal Province for a long period of time; the British government encouraged migration of Bengali peasants to promote agricultural growth in Brahmaputra valley. Muslims constitute 36 percent of the Assam’s population –second only to Kashmir. The Hindu supremacists can’t swallow this harsh reality. So, the issue of evicting the Muslims from Assam has been manufactured only to cut down the size of the Muslims in this strategic North-Eastern part of India. In the meantime, millions of the Assamese Muslims have already been deprived of the citizenship to restrict their political power. For the same reason and on the same pretext, the BJP leaders have reiterated that they will deport millions of the Bengali Muslims from the West Bengal to reduce its Muslim population that constitute about 28 percent.
With the similar mind-set, the fascists of Hitler’s Germany manufactured the much needed pretext to exterminate the Jewish population. So, they had to deploy massive gas chambers to do the job in an industrial scale. With the similar objective, Mr Modi, Mr Shah and others in the murderous BJP and RSS gangs needed to exacerbate the anti-Muslim hatred to the current hype. As a result, lynching the helpless Muslims to death in daylight on the Indian streets for allegedly eating beef gets a celebration proportion. In such a murderous milieu, the Muslim mothers in Uttar Pradesh ask their children not to wear a cap – a religious symbol of Muslim attire in public. Such a Muslim identity invites persecution and even death in the hands of the Hindu extremists –as recently stated by the Muslim Mayor of Kolkata.
Savagery gets rewarded
Amidst such an anti-Muslim hatred, whoever shows his or her toxic venom against the Muslims get higher prize and honour in the ruling Hindu supremacist club. Mr Modi could quickly climb up the ladder to the highest position of power only for such a high grade vitriolic venom. Another hateful preacher named Pragya Thakur of Madhya Pradesh also receives a high prize for her toxic venom against the Muslims. She is facing a judicial prosecution for her alleged involvement in a terror attack in Bhopal in 2008 that killed 6 Muslims and wounded 100 in a Muslim neighbourhood. She was given the BJP nomination for a MP seat in Bhopal. She even praised Nathuram Godse, a RSS terrorist who killed the topmost Indian icon Ghandi in 1948 as a patriot. Pragya Thakur has won her seat with the full party patronage. She now becomes a Hindu supremacist icon. Now, Narendra Modi and his government would hardly feel any appetite to prosecute such a party stalwart. Thus the people who run the show of the BJP-led Indian government show their real colour.
Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi is known for his anti-Muslim venom all along his political career. Modi’s wicked skills in mobilising the Hindu mob in the demolition of historic Babri Mosque in Ayodhya in December 1992 brought him to the limelight of Indian politics. As the Chief Minister of Gujrat, he engineered the killing of more than two thousands Muslims and massive rape of Muslim women in Gujrat in 2002. Thousands of Muslim men, women and children were burnt alive to death in their own houses and shops. Modi-led state government let loose the Hindu supremacists to commit the carnage in daylight in Muslim residential areas and his police hardly did anything to stop it. The criminals seldom face any prosecution; in the name of post-massacre enquiry, the government only added some eyewash. Later on, he also shut down the Muslim rescue shelters in Gujrat on the plea that these shelters are working as Muslim baby boom centres. Such brutality against Muslims pushed him further up to become the Prime Minister of India. His crime was so ugly and robust that even the US government had to put a ban on his entry to the country. Modi has made him an Indian version of Adolf Hitler. He only lacks Hitler’s military hardware and the much needed economic edge. Such an exposed Modi is now honoured with a landslide victory to promote further his evil agenda against the minorities.
Pure fascism is the policy
Democracy is being used by the Hindu supremacists only as a convenient political tool for capturing power; but their actual policy cum modus operandi is pure fascism –as was the case of Adolf Hitler. Israel is decimating the Arab Muslims to make Israel an exclusive Jewish state. Mr Narendra Modi and his Hindu supremacist comrades have taken the same route. So they could cement their bondage with the hard-core Israeli radicals as the closest ideological cousins on earth. This is why, the man who was very quick to congratulate the victory of Modi was none else but the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. With Modi back in power, President Donald Trump –an American white supremacist, also gets a close partner in his war crimes against Islam and the Muslims. The vote-robber fascist Hasina of Bangladesh too, gets a strong supporter for her murderous autocratic rule. And the thuggish regime in Myanmar gets an admirer for the atrocities against the Rohingya Muslims. And thus, South Asia under the leadership of the Indian Hindu supremacists gets a strong epicentre of a looming humanitarian disaster which may spill over to the neighbouring countries.
The Indian Muslims & the earned calamity
Now there remains little doubt that India turns terribly unsafe for the Muslims. President Donald Trump of the USA and Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel will strengthen Narendra Modi to pursue his anti-Muslim bigotry. So the anti-Muslim coalition of the evil forces will get stronger. So, more Muslim countries will be occupied and more Muslim cities will be reduced to rubbles. But the Muslims -both in India and in other parts of the world, have taken the other route. They have taken no lesson from the unity of the enemies; rather preferred to stay divided and keep on infighting. So, the situation is quite alarming. India looks to be ruled by the brute Hindu majority -where the 195 million Muslims will stay irrelevant. They will have no other option but to suffer. In no segment of human history such a huge number of people had such an awful fate.
Only 5.3 million Jews live in the USA. But the USA has to take seriously the views and the security interest of such a small population. Because, the Jews has the huge potential to cause collapse of the USA at any time. They occupy the nerve centre of the USA’s deep state. The Jews have learned from their disastrous weakness in the Germany. So they have enhanced their leverage in US politics by solid internal unity, huge economic power, powerful media, high educational success and the art of political manoeuvring. Therefore, every USA government –whether democratic or republican, has to donate not only billions of dollar annually to the Israeli economy, but also the most sophisticated weapons to the Israeli Army to appease the American Jews. The USA is compelled to take Israel’s security interest as their own.
None on earth appeases or respects the powerless. They are supposed to survive only as slaves. That is exactly the case of the Indian Muslims. The awful powerlessness of 195 million Indian Muslims owes to their lack of leadership, illiteracy, disunity, absence of strong media, paralysed political might and cowardice. Such powerlessness has made them a huge sitting duck; and has encouraged the Hindu supremacists to get an easy takeover. They are yet to realise that casting vote for one party or another is not going to change their fate. They have to change themselves. Whereas in Islam, staying educated, united and strong is not an option, it as a religious obligation. Engaging and investing in politics is the greatest Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). In fact, the highest investment of the early Muslims were not in building mosques or madrasas, but in changing the political landscape. More than 70 percent of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) even sacrificed their own life to bring change in the political map of the huge part of the globe. Because of their sacrifice, the whole Arab World, Iran, North Africa and Central Asia got a new political and ideological map and identity. The Prophet (peace be upon him) showed the importance of politics by making himself the head of the state. The rightly guided Caliphs also followed his great Sunnah by engaging in politics. But what is the take of 195 million Indian Muslims from the life of Prophet and the early Muslims? They can’t blame others for their own failure. Nobody is there to spoon feed them to make them stronger.
But the Indian Muslims are known for their own invention. They have invented Tabligh Jamat -the Indian brand of Islam to serve the Muslim ummah. Their practice hardly shows any relevance to Prophet’s Islam which had Islamic state, practice of sharia, hudud, jihad and border-less Muslim unity. Millions of people who take part in Tabligh Jamat have little or no interest in political, educational or intellectual engagement. In fact, the political investment of the people of Tabligh Jamaat is almost zero. The can only make some dowa for wishful changes for themselves and for the ummah. Whereas Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la has made it clear in the Holy Qur’an that He never changes the fate of a people unless they themselves change their own state. Education, unity, hard work, political engagement, sacrifices of money and blood are key to such change. Dowa works only after such investment. Hence, whatever agonies torment the Indian Muslims today are not the works of the enemies alone; they have earned themselves the most of it by utter neglect of their own obligation. 26.05.19
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