The Global Terrorism against the Muslims & the Consequence
- Posted by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
- Posted on May 1, 2019
- Politics & Ideologies
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The terrorising war of the imperialists
Terrorism has a precise dictionary meaning. It is the use of weapons to fill people’s minds with terror for political or monetary gain. The terrorising power of a weapon depends directly and proportionately on its destructive power. So, the terror of a knife-wielding robber can’t match with the terror done with bombs, drones, missiles or nuclear bombs. Hence, no one on the earth can match the terrorising power of the USA. Awe of terror has some paralysing effect. This is why, while the USA Army with its massive air, land and naval power invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and went on killing spree there, no country or international body could show any sign of morality or humanity to protest against such blatant war crime. Even the UN had to bow down to the US barbarity.
In World War II, the US dropped nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities. Its objective was not to occupy and colonise Japan. Instead, to achieve a massive terrorising goal. It could fill people’s mind all over the world with the devastating power of the new weapon. As a result, the USA –with the collaboration of other imperialists, could easily twist the political course of many parts the world to fit into its own agenda; even could dare disintegrate the whole map of of Middle East into more than 20 pieces. And, could also install an illegal state of Israel in its midst by cleansing its settled population.
The USA still continues to deploy the same strategy to terrorise the whole world –especially the Muslim World. President Donald Trump –a proven anti-Muslim rogue, destroyed almost every house of Mosul -the second largest city of Iraq to achieve that goal. He also razed the cities of Kobani, Raqqa, Fallujah, Ramadi, Deira’zour and many others to the ground for the same purpose. Whereas, the US could win the war without such massive destruction. President George W Bush too, had the same mind set. He invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to reinforce the image of the American might on the world stage. The main purpose of the USA’s occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria was not for oil or gas, but for terrorising the whole world, especially the Muslim population. It was a calculated act of robust terrorism to enforce full capitulation of the Muslim rulers. It has indeed fully achieved that. As a result, the US could easily twist the arms of the Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti, Emirati, Omani and Bahraini rulers to deposit trillions of petrodollar in the US economy. In return, the US provides security to these tyrants. Now they are trying to do the same against Iran. To continue with the same terrorising aim, the US government has embedded the whole world with thousands of military bases around the world. Now it has turned indispensable for the US to pursue such a coercive strategy to sustain its Super Power status. The US is already the most indebted country in the world – more than a trillion dollar it owes to China. The security cost of the US has turned so huge that it can’t sustain on its own. Only through a coercive strategy, the US can force other nations to bear the maintenance cost of the American global empire. So, it has no other option but to engage in constant robbery –the classic version of terrorism, all over the world.
Terrorism with the distorted connotation
Military occupation never ends with mere physical occupation of a country. It is followed by occupation cum colonisation of people’s mind. And it is done through media. For that, the western imperialists and their partners in crime in the Muslim World have already taken over the media. As a result, they could hide their own crimes and demonise those who stand against them. The captured media helped them even to distort the true meaning of terrorism. So, in their vocabulary, those who are killing and terrorising the people with deadly weapons and reducing cities to ground are not labelled as terrorist. So, even the armed Israeli illegal settlers or soldiers who shoot at unarmed Palestinians are labelled innocent. In fact, they mean the opposite. The children who protest with empty hands or throw stones to the Israeli tanks are portrayed as terrorist. In Kashmir, the unarmed Kashmiri men, women and children who protest in the streets and demand freedom from Indian occupation are killed with a label of terrorist.
With the emerging trend of Islamic revival in the Muslim World, the meaning of terrorism has been given another deceitful distortion. Even the people who want to practise original Islam –as was practised by the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) with its indispensable components like sharia, hudud, shura, khilafa, shura and jihad, are also labelled as extremist cum terrorist. So, the fascist regimes in Egypt, Bangladesh and other Muslim countries do not hesitate to kill the unarmed Islamists. So, on 6th May in 2013, hundreds of sit-in protesters were killed in Shapla roundabout in Dhaka in Bangladesh and on 14th August in 2013, more than two thousand peaceful protestors were killed in Raba al-Adawiya square in Cairo.
Terrorism: a multi-national imperialist enterprise
A mad dog doesn’t need to be hurt to get offensive. The same is true with the imperialists. No man or woman from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria bombed any American city; but the Americans came from other end of the glove to bomb the cities of those countries to kill more than a million. They dropped bombs, mother of all bombs, depleted uranium bombs, missiles and drones to turn thousands of Muslim houses and hundreds of cities to rubbles. But such killing campaigns have never been labelled in the western countries as a terror campaign. The US forces have detained and tortured thousands of innocent people with the extreme brutality in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. They established torture cells in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, Bagram base in Afghanistan, Abu Gharib in Iraq to run brutality in an industrial scale. They also introduced rendition scheme to franchise such torturing scheme to other regimes known for cruel state apparatus. Awfully, under the US patronage, terrorism thus has become a multi-national state enterprise.
It is worth noting that the US-led imperialists aren’t concerned about the absence of basic human rights in the Muslim countries ruled by the US-supported tyrants. They get happy if these brutal killers help strengthen the national security of the US and serve their political, ideological & economic interests. Moreover, they appreciate these tyrants if they crush any Islamic resurgence. This is why the killer tyrant like General Abul Fatah al-Sisi of Egypt gets such a robust appreciation for killing, torturing and arresting the Islamists. It is clear, in the world order established by the US-led western powers, there is no scope for the Muslims to raise their heads and emerge as a significant global power. Such a world order is only to safeguard the interests of the US-led imperialists and Israel. Its prime aim is to keep the Muslims de-empowered.
The case of Russia, China & India
Vladimir Putin’s Russia has taken the same route. Like the US, it has committed the similar crimes against the Chechen Muslims. And, like any other member state of the UN Security Council, Putin also enjoys full impunity for his war crimes. On the other hand, the Chechen Muslims are labelled as terrorists for demanding freedom from the Russian occupation. To suppress their aspiration and liberation movement, in the year of 2000, the whole Chechen city of Grozny was bombed to the ground. Thousands were killed and many more were put in torture cells. And the Russian brutality still continues. In the Soviet era, the Russians did the same in Afghanistan in the eighties. Although the Russians were badly defeated in Afghanistan in 1989, but they didn’t stop their anti-Muslim campaigns. Now they are dropping bombs in Syria; and trying to expand the same state terrorism to Libya and the Central Republic of Africa.
China is committing the same brutality against the Uighur Muslims. In the name of cultural education, the Chinese government is carrying out a massive social engineering project of de-Islamisation. About a million Muslims are being kept in prisons and are being brain washed to take them away from Islam. They are not allowed to enjoy the basic human rights -like the right to practise their own religion. Even they were prevented to keep fasting and wearing their traditional dress. The religious education has also been strictly restricted.
The case of India is no less brutal against the Muslims either. The Muslims constitute about 15% of Indian population; but they are not give even 5% of the government jobs. Socio-economically, they are kept inferior to so-called untouchables. The Indian Army is on a long killing mission in the Muslim majority state of Kashmir. About a hundred thousand Kashmiri Muslims have already been killed and thousands of Kashmiri women are raped. In the Indian vocabulary, such state-run crimes are not called terrorism either. Rather, those who are standing for freedom from Indian occupation and wand basic human rights are labelled as terrorists.
The crime of the Israeli terrorists
The case of Israel is a classic example of a state that could be established solely through terrorism and could survive through terrorism. It is the old practice of ethnic cleansing of the original people and colonisation by the foreign people in modern age. The Jewish people came from all over the world to Palestine to grab lands from the Palestinians. The Palestinians are either killed or forced to live in refugee camps for more than 70 years. On the illegally seized lands, hundreds of thousands of luxurious flats are built for those who were not born in Palestine. The same old policy of eviction, the same policy of land grabbing and the same scheme of settling the foreign Jews in the Arab land that started 70 years ago still continue. Apartheid practice has died in South Africa, but now thrives in the occupied Palestine. The old western colonial powers not only support such illegal Israeli occupation of the Muslim lands, but also sponsor it economically and militarily. So, the crime of brutal occupation and killing continues unabated. And, such state-run crimes are not called terrorism either.
There is no doubt that the Jews have suffered a lot under the fascist regime in the west. Millions of them faced brutal death there. But, instead of learning compassion and humanity, they have learned a lot of brutal skills and inhumanities. These are now being deployed against the Muslims in Palestine. This is why, the atrocities against the occupied people of Palestine could attain such a scale of brutality. They have even lost all morality and civility to call the on-going brutality against the Palestinians as a cruel act, let alone calling it terrorism. Hatred against the Muslims has been so deeply embedded in the mind of Israeli rulers that they even feel highly content to embrace Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India as the friend of Israel. Whereas Narendra Modi is an Indian version of Adolph Hitler for the Indian Muslims. In 2002, he engineered the killing of more than two thousands innocent Muslim men, women and children in Gujrat while he was the Chief Minister of the province. He also instigated his followers to raze historic Babri Mosque to the ground. Recognising his robust criminality, even the US government imposed ban on his entrance to the US –although later on withdrawn in order to promote the American business interest with India.
The case of Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan Army is already known for genocidal war crimes against the Tamils. Such crimes have already been documented by the international human rights organisations. But the failure of the international bodies like the UN and the International Criminal Court has emboldened them to continue the similar crimes against other people. Now their guns are turned against the Muslims. The extrajudicial killing has started with the new strategy to target the Muslims in their living quarters. To cover up the killing, they are telling the world that the Muslim women and children are blowing up themselves. Last year, the Sri Lankan Muslims didn’t explode any bomb anywhere; but the Buddhists hooligans led by the monks went on killing spree. They looted, vandalised and burnt down the Muslim houses and businesses. Such anti-Muslim rampage went on for many days; but the Sri Lankan Army and the police did very little to protect the Muslims’ life and properties. The judiciary too, showed its inaction to bring the criminals to justice. Moreover, such mob killings and arsons didn’t find any place in their vocabulary to be called as terrorism or Buddhist extremism.
Boiling up the Muslim blood
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Hence, every crime has a consequence. The Muslims are terribly suffering from all sorts of barbarity in almost every part of the world. The people of no other faith suffer in such an awful way. The cases of Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Kashmir, Uighur, Rohingya are only a few to mention. In the west, the Muslim women are tormented only for wearing a head scarf. President Donal Trump has put a ban on the Muslims coming to the USA. The Indian Muslims are being lynched to death only for keeping or eating beef. Many East European countries have put wall of barbed wire to keep away the Muslim refugee out of their country. The Muslim countries ruled by the brutal dictators are embedded with thousands of Guantanamo Bay-like torture cells. The USA and its cronies like it.
The US, the French, the British, and the Italian Air Force have shown their ever readiness to bomb any people in any part of the world who want to go back to original Islam -as has been practised by the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) about 15 hundred years ago. They have their own prescription for the Muslims. It is far away from the Qur’anic prescription. Hence, the Islamic basics like Islamic state, sharia, hudud, pan-Islamic brotherhood, khilafa, shura, jihad against enemy occupation have no place in it. They have no problem with the Saudi mass execution, the Emirati tribal barbarity, the Bangladeshi mockery of democracy by Shaikh Hasina and the brutal tyranny of Egypt’s Abul Fatah Sissi. They appreciate their Islam as true and moderate Islam. By any decent standard, these are not any innocent act; rather, highly heinous crime against Prophet’s Islam, the innocent Muslims and the humanity.
Because of the hostile policy of the imperialists and their servile cronies, there exists not even a single space on earth for full practice of true Islam –as was practised in Islam’s golden age! Thus, the Muslims are prohibited to be a full Muslim. Hostility towards Islam and the Muslims must have a limit. One must not forget that 1.6 billion Muslims are not a collection of dead bodies. They have souls, emotion, faith and intellect. They also share the same globe with others. The ongoing crimes against Islam and the Muslims are explosive enough to boil up their blood. The boiled-up blood can turn them to live bombs. And it is not unusual that the bombs fail to differentiate the innocents from the criminals. Islam doesn’t allow suicide; but doesn’t prohibit to be a war appliance. So, it seems, the planet is turning rapidly to be an unsafe place for everyone. 01.05.2019
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