The Lost Objective & the Muslims’ Downfall

The lost vision & identity                                     Every human –except the mad and the imbecile, survives with a key objective. The faith, the philosophy, the ideology and the politics of a man or woman indeed get very vividly expressed through […]

The Muslims’ Failure & the Enemy Occupation

 The moral collapse To condemn terrible brutalities, it doesn’t cost physical energy, money or blood; it only needs sound morality. The Muslims have failed utterly to show such morality again and again in the history. Instead, millions of them have joined the enemies to celebrate their occupation and destruction. Thousands of them even work as […]

The Muslims’ Collective Failure & the Celebration of Occupation

The fake independence                                                                      Within the last 60 years, most of the Muslim countries have received independence from the direct rule of their colonial masters. But, the so-called independence doesn’t give the Muslims the basic human rights to practise their political independence. Nor do they enjoy the religious rights to practise even the most crucial […]

The Survival Challenge and the Muslims’ Betrayal

 The marker of faith A Muslim has never been free from challenges since the day one of his appointment as the viceroy of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la on earth. Because, the devilish powers never sit idle against the Divine agenda. It is indeed the survival challenge as His khalifa. In order to survive against the […]

The Enemy Obsession of War & the Islamic Option

 The decisive factor The fate of Islam or the Muslims has never been decided on the prayer mat or by mere supplication.  Nor by recitation or memorization of the holy Book. It has always been decided in the war field. The combat zone against enemies is the only place where Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la examine […]

The Corruption of Islam & the Calamities

The worst crime In the Muslim World, the worst crime against Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la, Islam and the Muslims hasn’t been committed by the kuffars. It’s the work of the Muslims themselves. The objective of such crime is not to take back the Muslims to idolatry, atheism or other religions; but to take them away […]

The Calamity of Autocracy & Demilitarisation in the Muslim World

The strategy of de-empowerment Militarisation of the enemy and the strict demilitarisation of the Islamist Muslims are indeed the two-prong strategy towards de-empowerment of the ummah. The ongoing down-fall of the Muslims and the current calamity in the whole Muslim World indeed owe to quick successes of such an enemy strategy. In fact, it started […]

Monopolisation of War & the Neo-colonisation in the Muslim World

Imposed wars & the subjugation The US or the European citizens exercise the right to carry weapons anywhere in Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Syria, Mali and many more Muslim countries. They even set military bases in those countries; and seek no permission from anybody to kill anyone there. Rather, they are the people […]

অধ্যায় এক: কেন এ লেখা?

ঈমানী দায়বদ্ধতা মৃত্যু,ধ্বংস বা বিপর্যয়কে কখনো কখনো ব্যক্তি বা জাতির জীবনে চাপিয়ে দেয়া হয়। কিন্তু নিজেদের পক্ষ থেকে যখন ডেকে আনা হয় তখন সেটিকে আত্মঘাত বলা হয়। বাংলার মুসলিম জীবনে তেমন আত্মঘাত একাধীক বার এসেছে। যেমন ১৭৫৭ সালে, তেমনি ১৯৭১য়েও। কিন্তু কিভাবে সেটি এলো সেটি গুরুতর চিন্তাভাবনা ও গবেষণার বিষয়। কোন ব্যক্তির জীবনে আত্মঘাত ঘটলে […]

অধ্যায় দুই: ইতিহাসে নাশকতার উপকরণ

আত্মঘাতি ইতিহাস কোন জাতি ভূমিকম্প, ঘুর্নিঝড়, জলোচ্ছ্বাস বা মহামারিতে ধ্বংস হয় না। ধ্বংসের বীজ থাকে তার নিজ ইতিহাসে। আত্মহননের সে বীজ থেকে জন্ম নেয় জনগণের মাঝে আত্মঘাতি ঘৃণা; এবং সে ঘৃণা থেকে জন্ম নেয় রক্তক্ষয়ী যুদ্ধ ও হানাহানি।যতই সে বিষপূর্ণ ইতিহাস পা|ঠ করা হয় ততই বাড়ে জনগণের মাঝে যুদ্ধের নেশা। বাড়ে সত্যচ্যুতি ও ভ্রষ্টতা। এমন […]

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