Blog Archives

The Obligation of Unity and the Promised Punishment for the Crime of Disunity

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The kuffar stand united and the Muslims stand divided The Europeans, the Hindus, the Jews are desperate for unity. There are about two dozen languages in Europe, but they have united under a single political entity called the EU. So, there exists no divisive wall to restrict their mobility, economy, education […]

The US Role in the Rise of Autocratic China, the Hindutva India, Fascism in Muslim Countries and the Changing Geopolitics in Pakistan

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The rise of autocratic China and the US complicity In January 1979, the USA and China formally established their diplomatic relations. The intermediary role between the two bitter rivals was played by Pakistan. Even in the eighties, China was a typical third world country fighting hard to resolve its hunger and […]

On the Importance of Politics

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Politics is the only tool to clean up societies and to establish truth, human rights, and justice. In Islam it is the highest ibadah. It is called jihad. So, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) engaged in politics and was head of the state for 10 years. For such a political mission, […]

Muslims’ continual downfall and the worsening calamities

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Muslims’ downfall: an overview The downfall of a civilization always presents a huge catalogue of catastrophic calamities. The Muslims are now engulfed by its worst part. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala has His set rules for every nation. He never helps those who decide not to change themselves and deliberately follow a […]

Absence of khilafah and the autocracy of the native mercenaries

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The pathology of failure A Muslim and a kafir never live in the same way; nor for the same mission, vision, and objective. There exist non-reconcilable differences at many levels. Likewise, Muslims and kafirs do not build states and institutions for the same purpose. Like Muslims’ place of worship (mosque), Muslims’ […]

Muslims’ celebration of disintegration

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Celebration of rebellion! Creating division in Muslims is forbidden (haram) in Islam. But Muslims have raised divisive borders and celebrating the disintegration of the ummah in the name of national, regional, and tribal states has become a matter of pride and national culture in all Muslim counties. The level of deviation […]

Muslims’ downfall and the consequent calamities

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Muslims’ downfall: an overview Every downfall of a civilization has its catastrophic calamities. The Muslims are now in the midst of the worst parts of it. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala has His set rules. He never helps those who decide not to change themselves and follow a downhill course. Whereas, whenever […]

Why do Muslims fail and why an Islamic state so crucial?

 Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Why Muslims so powerless? The current state of powerlessness of Muslims mostly owes to absence of an Islamic state in the Muslim World. It is very easy to understand  that the full practice of Islam is impossible without an Islamic state. Then a Muslim remains only a partial or imperfect Muslim. […]

Absence of an Islamic state and the consequences

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal  Living without a strategy No faith can give sustenance to its conceptual paradigm, vision, mission, and objectives in absence of supportive state and institutions. In such institutional deprivation, not only the core beliefs but also those who are adherents to those beliefs face extinction. Communism ceased to survive as a significant […]

Aligning with the enemies and the lowest low of Muslims’ decline

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Embracing the enemies The Muslims have reached a new low in history. In the early days of Islam, even the Arab kuffar didn’t invite contemporary world powers like the Roman or Persian empires to occupy their land and kill the Islamic compatriots. But, things now have changed. The so-called Muslims are […]